Saturday, August 31, 2019

Failures That May Occur in a Distributed Systems Essay

A distribution systems is a collection of processors that have a common goal for their system. Some examples would be SOA-based systems, massively multiplayer online games and peer-to-peer applications. The distributed system is software systems in which components located on network computers. This systems communicate and coordinate through passing messages. This systems interact with each other to accomplish a common goal. This processor will contain their own local memory. Undeliverable Messages Failures This is where a message is undeliverable due to either the recipient is down when a message arrives or the sender and recipient are in different components of a network partition Communication Failures Will stop processes at other sites to stop communicating Site Failures When a site experiences a system failure, processing stops abruptly and the contents of volatile storage are destroyed (Microsoft Research, 2012). Network Partition Failure This is a network fragments into two or more disjointed sub-networks within which messages can be sent, but between which messages are lost. Centralized systems are completely opposite of a distributed system, where a distributed system is a collection of processors which contains their own memories and communicate together through various lines. A centralizes system allows certain functions to be concentrated in the systems hub, plus it can be easily accessed from all points (Wikipedia, 2012). After a failure has occurred certain actions must be taken, depending on what the failure is will help to determine what actions need to be taken. Site and communications failures manifest themselves as the inability of one site to exchange message with another site. When you have a failure one the first  steps is to have a handshake procedure. Handshake is where two sites communicate between each other to set parameters so normal communications over the channels can begin. After the failure has been isolated than we would start to fix the failure. When the systems has a failure than it must initiate the procedure which will allow the system to reconfigure. This will allow its primary function to fail and reset to a simpler function, mitigating any unacceptable failure consequence. It will control the system without forcing sacrifice desired, but uninsurable, capabilities. After the system reconfigured it will go through the recovery phase and be integrated back in to the system. Network partition is where all paths between two sites contain a failed or broken link. The network partition will divide the operational sites into two or more component, where ever two sites within the component can communicate but cannot communicate with the components in other sites. When the links are repaired, communications is reestablished between the sites where messages could not exchanges messages thereby merging components. Some was to reduce the probability of a network partition is to design a highly connected network, where the failure of few sites and links will not disrupt all the paths between any pair of sites, This requires the use of more components and cost more money. Sometimes the networks topology is could be constrained by other factors, like geography and communication medium. We are limited in the way we can avoid partitions networks. There are a lot of advantages of having a distributed system. Like being able to connected remote users, have higher speed and for the most part it is reliable the system need to know how to handle the errors and failures correctly so it can fix them quickly and easily. References Microsoft. (2014). Distrbuted Recovery Chapter 7. Retrieved from Wikipedia. (2014). Centralized Systems. Retrieved from

Friday, August 30, 2019

Gender Discrimination in Media Essay

Abstract This study examines women’s participation and representation in media. This study is based on the statistics of media units in Solapur city. Women constitute nearly 50% of population in every Indian city, but the participation of women in media is very low. Discussions of women’s representation in the media tend to revolve around the focus on physical beauty to the near-exclusion of other values. It is observed that media content about women issues is biased and gender discrimination is clearly visible .This study also suggests the ways to increase the women participation in media and the ways to rational representation of women in media. Introduction: Women constitute nearly 50% of population in India. Our social system boasts that it has given mother goddess status to women since the ancient period. But in reality society builds psychological barriers around women. This male dominated society imposed so many bindings against women. Therefore role of women was confined only to the kitchen and kids for many years. Social movement started by Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Mahatma Phule, Savitribai Phule, Maharshi Karve and other social activists opened doors for women’s education. Women have benefited greatly as education provided information to them about their rights and their equal status in the society. In spite of these efforts and the 65 year long journey since India’s independence , our nation is lagging behind in many basic things. World Economic Forum conducted a study to measure gender gap. The Global Gender Gap Index examines the gap between men and women in four fundamental categories: economic participation and opportunity, educational attainment, health and survival and political empowerment. According to this Gender Gap Report-2011, India is included among the 20 countries, where the gender gap is widest. It holds 113th position among 134 countries in the world. This report explains that â€Å"India and Pakistan perform above average on the political empowerment of women, particularly India, but they lag behind in the other three categories. In particular, the persistent health, education and economic participation gaps will be detrimental to India’s growth. India is the lowest ranked of the BRICK economies† ( After India’s independence Women’s role in society has undergone seismic changes, which has been reflected in every walk of life. Women stepped out of four walls and succeeded in each and every field. Now women are working as pilots, soldiers, doctors, engineers, lawyers, politicians and proving their mettle in all fields. But it is ground reality that basic structure of male dominated society and roles and presumptions about women’s worlds remain the same. Still the life of majority of women in India remains unchanged. . The women who got benefited through education and succeeded to grab a job have to destine to face male supremacy. Gender discrimination is visible at every moment. Decision- making positions are not accessible for women. Many times working women have to face humiliation. Scenario in the field of media Scenario in the field of media also does not differ from it. Media Still remains as men’s world and this is global phenomena. According to the research conducted by International Women’s Media Foundation( IWMF ) 73% of the top management jobs are occupied by men compared to 27% occupied by women,Among the rank of reports , men hold nearl y two thirds of the jobs, compared to 36% held by women. These findings were collected by more than 150 researchers who interviewed executives at more than 500 companies in 59 nations. ( According to this report statistics of women’s participation in Indian media is 13. 8 % ( e.g. Chief Executive Officer ) at top management , 23.3 % ( e.g. News Directors) in senior management ,18.3% ( Chief Correspondent ) in middle management and 25.5 % ( Reportes, Sub-editors ) at junior professional level . This report reveals that women’s participation in Indian media is very low and gender discrimination is the only reason behind this. Media sector in India is very strong and particularly India ranks second in circulation of newspaper copies in the world. â€Å"The new figures show that the four largest markets for newspapers are: China with 107 million copies daily; India, with 99 million copies daily; Japan with 69 million copies daily; and the United States, with nearly 51 million.† 1 Marathi newspapers in Maharashtra are also enjoying better position. Two Marathi newspapers Lokmat and Sakal are placed among India’s top 10 largest circulated regional dailies in the IRS first quarterly report 2012 . Lokmat is at second position and Sakal is at tenth position in this list. ( â€Å" Women participation in Indian media is negligible. Though a few women were appointed by the media many were not given big responsibilities. The media should be more responsible when it comes to reporting of women’s issues.† 2 This picture is same in Mahashtra state. Solapur city is 7 th populated city in Maharastra .Population of Solapur is more than 12 lacks. There are seven dailies having circulation of more than 25000 copies per day. But participation of women in newspapers editorial staff is negligible. It is observed that young women taking admissions to the media courses is increasing during last few years. But job opportunities are not easily accessible for them. Situation in electronic media seems better than newspapers. Table no 1: Ratio of Women’s Participation in Editorial staff of Daily Newspapers in Solapur This statistics clearly reveals that women’s participation in these newspapers as reporters, sub-editors, editors is less than 3%. Women journalists are confined generally to the table duties to edit women’s page or to cover cultural events arranged for women. Important beats such as political beat, crime beat does not allotted to the female journalists. They work on junior levels .In decision making process women’s participation almost neglected in all newspapers. Table no 2 : Womens participation in electronic media in Solapur Sr no| Media Unit | Male Journalists | Female Journalists| total| 1| AIR Solapur| 05 (71..42%)| 02 (18.58%)| 06| 2| Big 92.7 FM| 03 (100.00%)| 0(00.00%)| 04| 3| IN Solapur TV channel| 08 (80.0%)| 02 (20.0%)| 10| 4| Reporters of TV channels| 09 (90.0%) | 01 (10.0%)| 10| | Total| 23 (83.34%)| 05 (16.66%)| 30| Women participation in electronic media is 16.66% as compared to mere 1.97 % in newspapers. Solapur Working Journalist Union is organization of all journalist belonging to print and electronic media in Solapur .( Table no.3 ) Not a single female journalist included among total 125 members of Solapur Working Journalist’s Union Table no 3: Members of Solapur Working Journalist Union Male Journalists | Female Journalists| 125 ( 100%)| 00 ( 00 % )| Male dominated media managements are not allowing access to the woman journalists. According to the executives of the media, woman journalists cannot work in the night shifts and they are reluctant to cover every beat assigned to them .That’s why we prefers male journalists for the job. This gender biased assumption of the media managements is contrary to the real facts. Women are actively participating in every walk of life such as armed forces, space science, entrepreneurship, education, engineering etc.They work hard without any concessions and proved their mettle. These examples prove that women are going hand-in-hand with men in every field. Therefore women can do their best in the field of media. Barkha Dutt, Nalini Singh, Mrinal Pandey, Sucheta Dalal are some prominent examples of women journalists doing brilliant job than male journalists. It reveals that only reason for the less participation of women in media is the gender bias of the management. Women’s Representation in Media Media plays an important role in the dissemination of information and knowledge to the masses. It is the role of the media to educate people and to guide them for the development of society and nation. But media content about women issues is alwayes biased and gender discrimination is clearly visible in it. Most of the woman’s organizations blame on media that it is responsible for biased and stereotype portrayal of women. Any society cannot progress without upliftment and empowerment of women .But Indian media is engaged in portraying women as housewives.† Feminists objected to the stereotypical portrayal of women as happy home- makers who were less competent than men.† 3 Now women are active participants in every walk of life. Therefore it is important to to properly project the image of women as role model. For these purpose women participation in media should be increased. But mere participation does not change the situation. .â€Å"A large proportion of women thought that there would be a change in program content with as increase in proportion of female employees program quality would improve and more balanced perspective would be emerge. .† 4 Mrs. Suhas Kumar rightly suggested that â€Å"Women must become active participants in the field of journalism and other fields of media to fulfill the all-round development of women directly and indirectly.only through their involvement in journalism women will be able to speak for themselvesand the issues relevant to them†. 8 Therefore it is necessary to appoint women as decision makers in the newspapers. Special training must be given to all editorial staff about the equality principle and the rights of women as human being. Conclusion: Male dominated newspaper industry is reluctant to give access to women journalists. Women journalists are not assigned to cover important issues. News related to women issues covered by male journalists cannot give justification to the issue. There are no guidelines for reservations for women in media jobs.Mere increases in number of women journalists cannot change the gender bias in media. Suggestions: At the end, this study concludes with some suggestions (a) There is need to recruit women journalists in proportion, giving them equal opportunity and access to work in media. (b) The important women’s issues must be rported by women journalist. (c) Special guidelines should be given to all the journalists about projecting positive and real image of woman, without any bias. (d) There should be a provision to punish guilty persons for portraying women as commodity in any advertisement, news, article etc. References 1. The Hindu online edition ,New Delhi, Jan,10, 2011.8 2. The Hindu online edition ,New Delhi, June,4 ,2008 3.Thakurta Paranjoy,Media Ethics : Truth, Fairness and Objectivity,Oxford

Thursday, August 29, 2019

An economic model of the brain drain Essay

The emigration of skilled labor is of great concern to most less developed countries as well as to some developed countries. One special category of the brain drain has been especially troublesome to LDC’s over the last twenty-five years. Indigenous college graduates frequently leave their countries for advance studies in the Western world, but only a handful return after completing their work. Migration of this type has been linked to several possible causes. The most frequently cited are lack of employment opportunities for returning graduates, lower salary levels in the indigenous country, the preference of graduates to live abroad, and asymmetric information in the labor market. The loss of their most educated workers abroad, the so-called brain drain, has been a major source to LDCs. At the same time that their development targets demand highly trained personnel, LDCs find that their younger intellectual elite accept employment in the country where they have received thei r advanced training, and do not return to their native land. A number of reasons have been offered to explain the brain drain problem, including lack of employment opportunities in the home country, low pay, and student preference to remain abroad. These reasons are not empirically compelling in many developing countries. In Taiwan, for example, employment opportunities exist at real wages which are comparable to those offered abroad. And while some students may prefer to live abroad, it seems difficult to explain the brain drain by this reason alone. This paper has shown that the brain drain may exist even when students have a preference for returning home and employment opportunities exist at comparable average pay. The reason for the problem is related to the information employers have at the time of hiring. We assume that employers in the country of education can more precisely determine a graduate’s potential productivity than can employers in the student’s native country. Employers in the native country are assumed to offer wages that reflect the average productivity of returning workers, but which are not precisely tailored to individual productivities. This difference in information can by itself lead to the brain drain problem. The extent of the problem was related to the average productivity of workers, and their bias towards returning home. Conditions under which the brain drain problem was complete, partial, and nonexistent were examined.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Crisis in Ukraine Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Crisis in Ukraine - Assignment Example But there are two perspectives and interpretations from the entire scenario. The standoff came about in the form of Ukraine’s possible enrollment into E.U. Backed by Russia, it abstained from it. The first is about the possible attack and other punitive measures undertaking by United States of America. However, writers like Loren Thomspon argue that Untied States of America would never go into war or to the extreme limit with Russia. It is based on the fact that United States would not want to disturb the prevailing status quo that has been in place for last two decades. Thomspon has given a set of reasons based on which he supports his claims of United States of America’s helplessness and its inability to unleash war upon Russia. These reasons range from awareness in the domestic segments to the internal realization of the fact knowing that America can least afford a war on new battle field in present circumstances and that too against a far more formidable rival in the form of Russia (Thompson). Russia has time and again expressed and shown its interest in the region, and more so in the Crimea where it states that the people have historic, lingual and religious affiliations and thereby must be protected at any cost. The other dimension of Russia’s interest and influence is subject to the natural resources and primarily the gas pipe line that touches past this area and is of high importance to the Russian industries. So far, even the actions and potential political maneuvers and diplomacy of the European powers in the form Germany and Great Britain have also failed. The upcoming meeting between the two foreign ministers is of high value and hopes are pinned against it towards a resolution of the issue faced (GORDON). Russia has an edge in this case and has caught United States of America on a weak footing. The only option United States of America is the backing of European Nations

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Mind and Body Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Mind and Body - Essay Example Aristotle was a thinker who was more interested in metaphysical concepts, while Plato's thought was more based on concrete principles of the natural world. While Aristotle described the levels of reality, Plato focused on subjects such as how one could be a virtuous, and therefore "good," person. Pascal was a mathematician, so he obviously focused therefore much more on physical reality and concrete and empirical principles. He says, "But in the intuitive mind the principles are found in common use and are before the eyes of everybody" (Pascal, 1660, p. 1). When one is awake, what does one do This notion that consciousness is not accounted for, or the persistence of memory, is important as one seeks to find out what underlies the core of these two authors. Descartes most likely used more indirect means of philosophizing. Meanwhile, Pascal would have been deliberately direct and forthcoming, as a mathematician who drew on his knowledge of the sciences in order to derive his conclusions. The differences between Descartes and Pascal are vast, mainly because Pascal was first and foremost in his heart a scientist. Descartes was at his core, however, a thinker-a logician of the highest quality. ThisThis is not to say that Pascal could not have been a deep thinker as well, but rather, he thought about things deeply in a very mathematically logical and formal way. Descartes was the type of philosopher who could make vague abstractions seem as though they were concrete principles. Pascal was more deliberate in his intentions. He sought out to define concepts in concrete terms, did not abide by abstract or vague references, and was an empiricist in that sense. Descartes and Pascal differed about how they viewed the mind and the body. While Descartes thought that the mind was separate from the body, Pascal definitely would have argued that the mind was part of the physical body. Obviously, there are good arguments for and against these two very different views. First of all, Cartesian dualism would argue that the mind and body are completely and totally separate. This is because intelligence comes from a place which cannot be defined. One cannot quarantine the human mind and simply confine it to the body, Descartes would have said. One's intelligence is totally separate

Monday, August 26, 2019

Japan Airlines Flight 123 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Japan Airlines Flight 123 - Essay Example This essay focuses on better understanding what caused the Japan airlines flight 123 incident, that happend on the way from Tokyo to Osaka and was registered as ja8119. This essay describes the mechanical problem, which occurred within the engines, that caused vibrations in the flight, primary flight controls functions, human error factors and secondary mechanical factors. In this essay, the accident was said to have been caused by loss of primary flight controls functions. This means that the flight control functions were fault bringing in a mechanical problem on the airplane operation. This implies that the engines and the flight control functions were the two major primary source factors contributing to the incidents. Also this essay describes secondary mechanical factors, which developed many complications throughout the investigation. One of the main secondary factors discussed in this essay was the structure of the aft pressures bulkhead, that was designed in a manner that it could not allow pressure to be released and built up effectively in the plane. As a result, more pressure developed in it, the crack connectivity of rivet to rivet also might eventually lead to destruction of the plane. Evidences, presented in this essay also suggest that ineffectively sized wings flaps were installed on the plane before departure. In conclusion, this essay provides the reader greatly researched investigation of what might cause the damage of a plane. Good explanation and clear structure makes this essay easy to read and understand.

The coca-cola Company struggles with Ethical Crises Case Study

The coca-cola Company struggles with Ethical Crises - Case Study Example Coca cola Company, one of the most revered and common soft drink manufacturers in the world has had to deal with a number of ethical complaints against it. The company has had a number of influential business people serving various positions within its ranks, including Warren Buffet who served in the company’s board. In this paper, one out of a number of the ethical misdeeds raised against Coca Cola Company will be analyzed. In this analysis, the company’s response to the issues raised by the company and how it affected the success and operations of the business will be discussed. The economic and social impacts of the complaints against the company will also be discussed in line with differential business practices and response to ethical concerns (Jennings, 2011). Ethical concerns Just like any manufacturing company, coca cola has had a number of ethical challenges especially on their manufacturing and package practices. In 1999, the company was faced with one of the most dreaded ethical concern that arose after the safety of its products was questioned. The source of this questioning arose after thirty Belgian children developed health complications after consuming a wide range of the company’s products. This forced the company to react immediately by recalling its Belgian based products to enable them conduct tests to confirm the source of the illnesses (Jennings, 2011). ... This created a major public outcry with the media giving the company a lot of negative publicity. These developments forced the company’s management to give a detailed apology to enable them gain the public confidence that was forced fading. This was the end of the company ethical manufacturing practices as France followed suit and banned all products from the company after a number of coca cola consumers developed complications. Other products from the company like the coca cola water that was being supplied to Poland reported the presence of mould, fungi that are harmful to human health (Jennings, 2011). Coca Cola Company and the community Organizations today have more roles, not just to the stakeholders and the consumers but to the general population and the society. In this regard, Coca Cola Company has not been left behind in developing proper community based projects and serving in different roles as part of its corporate social responsibility. To enable the company rega in the trust of the community as a whole and recapture the mass consumers, especially those who migrated to other brands like Pepsi, the coca cola company have developed a number of programs that targets the community (Kesler, 2012). These projects are supported and coordinated by its philanthropic and community based wing known as the coca cola foundation. Through this foundation, the company is engaged in community development and environmental programs in different parts of the world, especially in countries where it operates its subsidiaries. It funded the education on wheel program in Singapore in which students were allowed to learn different historical developments in the country through interactive mobile visits. This program has been lauded for its ability to

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Dr. Pepper Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Dr. Pepper - Research Paper Example vices  (HHS), Department of Agriculture  (USDA), National Institute of Standards and Technology  (NIST), United States Department of Commerce among others (National Research Council, 2002). These governmental agencies, especially FDA and HHS, are directly responsible for overseeing the health aspect of the food industry (National Research Council et al, 2010). The agencies oversee that food industries such as Dr. Pepper provide the best food products to the population using the stipulated guidelines. On the other hand, NIST, and United States Department of Commerce oversee that any business related activities are done in accordance with the stipulated guidelines, rules, and regulations (National Research Council, 2002). Dr. Pepper being a business entity has to be bound by the regulations of these commerce and standards agencies. The above agencies would be of utmost importance when doing research on Dr. Pepper. They would provide profound information both in health and commerce aspect of Dr. Pepper. However, gathering information about Dr. Pepper from any of the aforementioned agencies would require proper authorization from each agency. Although the requirements for different agencies may be different, research ethics protocols may be needed from any of the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Coca Cola's Global Business Strategy Research Paper

Coca Cola's Global Business Strategy - Research Paper Example The company was established in 1886 and the flagship brand spread all over the world. The company runs its business in the areas of manufacturing, retailing and marketing soft drinks, beverages and non-alcoholic syrups across the world. The company sells around 500 brands in 200 countries across the world catering to 1.7 billion customers per day. A total of 1,46,200 employees have been engaged by the Coca Cola Company all over the world in order to run its business of manufacturing, retailing and selling of soft drinks, beverages and syrups in different countries. The company earned revenues of slightly over 48 billion dollars with an operating income of close to 11 billion dollars in 2012. The business of Coca Cola is largely supported by the supply chain and logistics management of the company. The drinks and beverages manufactured by the company in its factories are distributed to the wholesalers and retailers, franchisees of the company, etc. The franchisees, agents and retailer s sell the products of Coca Cola in the regional markets all over the world. Some of the renowned brands of Coca Cola include the Coca Cola, Fanta, Sprite, Valpre, etc (THE  COCA-COLA  COMPANY 1). In order to deal with the areas of risk in the supply chain, the company adopts global business strategies to distribute its products in several countries. Research Methodology The research methodology adopted for this study on the company background of Coca Cola Company and its supply chain strategies to distribute its products in the international boundaries have been explained as follows. This is a secondary research conducted with the use of existing data. The data and required information on the company and its strategies to distribute the products in the international boundaries in an efficient manner have been collected from electronic sources, company’s official website and from the books on logistic management of the company. The data collected from the company is relia ble and have been qualitatively analyzed to determine how the company addresses the areas of risk and achieves efficient distribution of its products in order to meet the international demand of its products. Analysis and findings In order to deal with the risks of supply chain that includes agency cost, delay in delivery of the products due to intermediate players, conflicting interest with the distributors, Coca Cola Company undertakes global business strategy to distribute its products internationally in order to meet the global demand. The company operates a franchisee based distribution network throughout the world. The franchisees undertake contracts and agreements with the Coca Cola Company for retailing of the drinks, beverages and syrups manufactured by the company (Stock and  Lambert 45). The franchisees are given the responsibility for distribution and sale of the products for the particular region. The supply chain interruptions, malicious tampering of products, transp ortation delays are the areas of risk for the company. In order to address the areas of risk, the company adopted the global strategy of replacing existing logistics with an

Friday, August 23, 2019

Ethics VS Law Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Ethics VS Law - Research Paper Example Ethics vs. Law Introduction Nurses at all levels and in all facets of specialization should comply with strict ethical guidelines and operates as per various governmental and regulatory statutes. Frequently, the interaction between ethics and law is complex; however, professional nursing ethics mainly followed within the confines of the law are highly likely to be legally defensible. Nurses may come across diverse dilemmas, legal or ethical in nature amid their practice; nevertheless, some of the nurses may not be prepared to respond to such issue and may end up helpless in the event that questions regarding their ethics or conduct are raised (Robley, 2009). A law represents a rule concisely laid down whereby any deviation from the set rule attracts punishment; however, ethics are not measurable and cannot be concisely defined like law. Ethics mainly depend on personal perception of issues and are complex to be outlined into right or wrong. A nurse most frequently comes into contact with the law via potential or imminent litigation in which the nurse may have engaged in, or observed in some action that led to the legal action (Timby, 2009). The nurse also encounters legal issues in the event that a disallowed act is perpetrated in the case of negligence and misconduct, which predisposes the nurse to criminal liability. Nurses encounter diverse situations on a day-to-day basis that may be classified as either ethically correct yet legally objectionable, or vice versa. Situations such as abortion, death, and euthanasia by their pure nature may place the nurse into a dilemma. Examples of situations that can be outlined as relating to nursing laws and ethics are numerous and diverse (Timby, 2009). One of the situations that could be arise details a nurse giving a patient the wrong medication, and subsequently failing report the incident or concealing the situation to safeguard himself from legal action. This situation raises pertinent questions centring on both eth ical and legal issues (Robley, 2009). The second situation that could be ethical rather than legal may entail permitting a client to smoke marijuana for medicinal reasons. Another situation that could emerge bordering legal and ethical boundary centres on forcing a patient to assume something, not in favour of his or her wishes or devoid of informed consent. Conflicts that may exist between Ethics and the law in Nursing Practice In arriving at professional decisions, nurses may be caught up between two conflicting sets of demands, one deriving from the mission of the profession and the other emanating from legal provisions. Nurses and other healthcare professional may become entangled in either civil or criminal justice systems such as when nurses incur criminal action by failing to renew nursing license in a timely manner (Timby, 2009). Other actions revolving around criminal law may encompass substance abuse, especially in cases where the nurse acquires medications un procedurally within clinical settings. Nurses should distinguish between law and morality since an action can be legal but

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Context - historical, cultural or social Essay Example for Free

Context historical, cultural or social Essay The level of efficiency of a literary work does not depend solely on the story, but also on the context of that specific stories. Some stories are only powerful when they are set in a specific context, otherwise they would reach the effect that was wanted. This is exactly the case with Woman at Point Zero by Nawal El Sadaawi, and The Crucible by Arthur Miller. The Crucible is set in a historical time different then that of the author and the reader. In the 17th century people thought in different manners, and believed in different things, in this case witchcraft. If the work wasnt set in this context it could not have been so effective since because witch trials are no longer present, and the whole story would be meaningless. Culturally it is important what people think, what and who people believe in. In the culture of Salem all the citizens were highly religious, and questioned everything not related to religion and beliefs. This is why they believed the girls when they were saying that the good spirits in their souls can detect the evil ones in other people, and never thought, even for a second, to question them. In a social sense this society was ideal, and perfect for the story. Their beliefs and their actions helped the development of the witch trials. In a smaller society the news of witch hunt would not have had been so important for other larger cities, then it was in the case of Salem. Albeit Woman at Point Zero is set in the same time period as the reader is, historically it recalls earlier version of European society, when women were ruled by men, as it is in the Arabian society in the present. This means that although it is hard to understand for someone living in a European society, if it was set in this society and the reappearance of an old historical period. The Egyptian culture is different then almost every outside of the Arab area, but it is necessary to make this work meaningful and powerful. It is clearly started from the beginning of the text that the men are always in charge, and never let the women make their own decisions. This only makes sense in a culture where it is the norm. In other areas it would be meaningless, which is why culture is extremely important. In conclusion it can be seen that story is not the only thing that make a work enjoyable and understandable, but also its context. Without them the whole book would become meaningless and no one would be able to make sense of it.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Arguments for and against using Utilitarian principles Essay Example for Free

Arguments for and against using Utilitarian principles Essay Utilitarianism is an ethical theory that proclaims that the morally right course of action in any given situation is the one that produces the greatest amount of pleasure over pain for everyone affected (Ferrell, Fraedrich Ferrell 2008). This is evident in business decision making processes done by analysts, legislators and managers, for instance on deciding to invest resources in public project, to minimize cost by using foreign labors and such. Thus, the argument on whether utilitarian principles should be applied in workplace practices is highly debated as it carries both pros and cons. First and foremost, utilitarianism in an organizational context â€Å"provides a clear and straightforward basis (Shaw, Barry Sansbury 2009, p67)† for developing and testing guidelines and protocols. Pain and pleasure is graded in a scale of continuum to measure intensity of the emotion (Burns 2005). As such, organizations can utilize this to derive objective decisions, as the approach uses quantitative result oriented method, and calculates cost and benefit of the consequences of all possible alternatives. For instance, a departmental manager ordered to cut cost in his department may revise all employees’ salary in the interest of obtaining higher utility for all parties rather than lay off some staff. Secondly, utilitarianism enables an unbiased approach of decision making, thus a way to resolve conflicts involving self-interest (Mill, 1863). This approach requires the decision maker to take the standpoint of an impartial third party and give equal weightage to everyone’s interest. As such, the outcome of the decision will not be influenced by self interest and chances of negative implication to all individual are minimized. This is advantages, as incidents such as Bhopal Disaster that killed 20000, as a result of poor maintenance to minimize cost for the shareholders, could be evaded. Moreover, utilitarianism is a comprehensive and flexible method as it looks at the end results of actions and takes into consideration the complexity of the circumstances (Burns 2005, p46). All ramifications, regardless whether they are direct, indirect, long term or short term, are taken into account especially in situations that may have long term environmental and health implication. Thus using utilitarianism, organizations can reach â€Å"realistic and workable moral decisions (Shaw, Barry Sansbury 2009, p67)†. Nonetheless, there are criticisms against the utilitarianism approach as it is difficult to determine and account for all foreseeable benefit and harm of every possible alternative (De George 2013, p48). This is because we cannot know the full implication of all actions in the long term, nor can we accurately estimate the pain and pleasure of future consequences resulting from these actions. For example, a drug that was released into market after thorough research and careful consideration of benefit over harm, could have undiscovered lethal side effect that could manifest many years later. However, due to limited technological advancement when the research was conducted, this potential harm and its intensity may not be identified accurately during initial cost and benefit analysis. Furthermore, utilitarianism is a teleological theory that looks at the end result itself rather than action. As such, it isn’t concerned with how the utility is achieved and even morally reprehensible actions such as theft and murder could be considered ethically right as long it produces more utility (Shaw, Barry Sansbury 2009, p68)†.Moreover, the theory, though theoretically plausible, is not applicable in real life situations in which individuals are required to make decision within minutes and could not possibly consider all alternatives and their implications. In conclusion, utilitarianism though highly applicable to workplace, should be practiced with caution as it also has weaknesses like any other theory. As such, the individuals in decision making position, should be aware of potential biases and shortcomings of practicing utilitarianism and attempt to diminish the negative implications. Reference List Burns,J 2005, â€Å"Happiness and Utility: Jeremy Bentham’s Equation† Utilitarianism Resources. P46,accessed 27/08/2013, De George, R 2013, Business Ethics, Pearson/Prentice Publication, New Jersey. Ferrell,O , Fraedrich, J Ferrell,L 2008, Business Ethics : Ethical Decision Making and Cases ,South- Western Publication, Mason. Mill, J 1863, Utiilitarianism , Utilitarianism Resources. Accessed 27/08/2013, Shaw,w, Barry,V Sansbury,G 2009 Moral Issues in Business, Cengage Learning Australia, South Melbourne.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Literature Review On Web Usage Mining Computer Science Essay

Literature Review On Web Usage Mining Computer Science Essay The Internet has become the largest database ever existed. During the early times of this decade it has been estimated that the internet is having more than 350 million pages [11]. But through a research conducted a few years ago it was found that the indexed part of World Wide Web alone consists of a minimum of 11.3 billion pages [12]. Also the number of people using the internet is growing exponentially. A survey conducted by Computer Industry Almanac itself is an evident for this fact. According to the results of the survey the number of online users had crossed one billion in 2005 while it was only 45 million in 1995. They had also predicted the number to cross two billion by 2011[13]. For the users of the internet finding the required information from this large volume of data has become extremely difficult. So it has become essential to find efficient ways for information retrieval. Also it has been found that more than 90% of the data is in unstructured format. So organizing and structuring this data has become a very important issue among researchers. With this large amount of information available on the web business processes needs to transcend from simple document retrieval to knowledge discovery. Business people were trying to get useful patterns from the available data which will help them for better understanding of their customer needs which in turn provides better customer satisfaction. Literature Review on Web Usage Mining Web mining helps the web designers in discovering the knowledge from the information available in the web. Also it helps the users in getting the fast retrieval of the information they are looking for. Three major areas of web mining are Web content mining- Trying to get useful information from the text, images, audio and video in web pages Web structure mining- Trying to understand the link structures of the Web which will help in categorization of Web pages. Web usage mining- Trying to get useful information from the server logs to understand what the users are looking for. It also helps in personalization of web pages. Though all the three categories of web mining are interlinked, in this research we were going to discuss about the web usage mining. Web usage mining helps the web masters to understand what the users were looking for so that they can develop the strategies to help the user to get the required information quickly. Web mining is generally implemented by using the navigational traces of users which give the knowledge about user preferences and behavior. Then the navigational patterns were analyzed and the users were grouped into clusters. The classification of navigational patterns into groups helps to improve the quality of personalized web recommendations. These web page recommendations were used to predict the web pages that are more likely to be accessed by the user in near future. This kind of personalization also helps in reducing the network traffic load and to find the search pattern of a particular group of users. Data mining techniques like, clustering, sequential pattern mining and association rule mining were used in web mining. All these techniques were used to extract interesting and frequent patterns from the information recorded in web server logs. These patterns were used to understand the user needs and help the web designers to improve the web services and personalization of web sites. Web Access Sequence Generally the web usage mining will be done based on the navigation history stored in the logs of the web server. This navigation history is also called as Web Access sequence which will contain the information about the pages that a user visit, the time spent on each page and the path in which the user traverse with in the website. So the web access sequences will contain all the details of the pages that a user visited during a single session. This data that we get from the log files will be subjected to various data mining techniques to get the useful patterns which can describe the user profile or behavior. These patterns will act as the base knowledge for developing the intelligent online applications, to improve the quality of web personalization, web recommendations etc The web mining can be generally classified in to two categories online mining and offline mining. In offline mining we use the data stored in the log files to find the navigational patterns while in online mini ng the requests of users in his current active session will be used. Current user profile will be decided by matching the recommendations from both the online and offline methods. Several systems have been designed to implement the web usage mining. Among many Analog is one of the first systems developed for Web Usage mining. It has two components online component and offline component. The offline component will reformat the data available in the log file. Generally the web server log will contain the information like IP address of the client, the time in which the web page is requested, the URL of the web page, HTTP status code etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Then the data available will be cleaned by removing the unwanted information after which the system will analyze the users activities in the past with the information available in the log files of the web server and classify the users session into clusters. Then the online component will classify the active user sessions based on the model generated by the offline component. Once the user group is found then the system will give a list of suggestions to each user request. The suggestions will depend on the user grou p to which the user belongs. Clustering Techniques One of the important portions of web usage mining is the process of clustering the users in to groups based on their profile and search pattern. The clustering of the users session can be done in several ways. Christos et al. represents each page as a unique symbol which makes the web access sequence to a string [1]. Consider S as the set consisting of all possible web access sequences. Then the web mining system will process this set S in offline as a background process or during the idle time to group the pages in to clusters such that similar sequences were in the same cluster. The formed clusters were represented by means of weighted suffix tree. The clustering is done by constructing a similarity matrix [1] which then is given as input to k windows clustering algorithm [10] to generate the clusters with very similar Web access sequence. When two web access sequences have the same length then the global alignment has to be taken into account rather than the local alignment. Also the scores were calculated for both the local and the global alignment. A simple way to calculate the scores is to assign a positive value to a matching sequence and a negative value for a mismatch. Two web access sequences were said to be similar if they have the maximum alignment in their sequence. Some times the web pages listed in the sequence may be unimportant to the user. The user may have reached that page by a wrong click. In such cases the users will immediately leave that page. So the user will stay only for a short time in these kinds of unimportant pages. So before considering the web sequence alignment we have to take care of all these factors in order to get the useful patterns. C.Suresh et al had proposed an approach in which the clusters were identified based on the distance based clustering methods also they had developed a framework to compare the performance of various clustering methods based on the replicated clustering. In traditional methods, the distance between two user sessions will be calculated using the Euclidean-distance measure. But experiments show that the Sequence Alignment Method is better in representing the behavioral characteristics of web users than the Euclidean-distance method. Cadez et al [14] categorizes the users session as general topics and the behavior of each particular topic is represented by morkov chain. Fu et al. [15] uses Balanced Iterative Reducing and Clustering using Hierarchies (BIRCH) algorithm for clustering at page level. BIRCH is a distance-based hierarchical algorithm and it is used for clustering the web user sessions. It has been noticed that the increase in the number of pages is diminishing the performance of the BIRCH algorithm. Since each website contains hundreds of pages considering each page as a separate state will make the clustering unmanageable. To overcome this difficulty the authors proposed an approach to generalize the sessions using attribute-oriented induction. In this new approach the clustering of pages will be done at the category level. It is has been always a difficult job to map a particular page to a specific category but it can be done by using clustering algorithms. The commonly used algorithm for clustering is k-means algorithm but the major disadvantage of k-means algorithm is, we have to specify number of clusters to be found in advance which is not possible in real world scenario. To overcome this problem, researchers were using the fuzzy ART neural networks, an unsupervised learning approach. In this approach there is no need to specify the number of cluster in advance. The main issue with fuzzy ART neural network is the category proliferation which leads to the unrestricted growth of clusters. Sometimes the fuzzy ART network will produces a large number of clusters with only a few members in each cluster. After considering the merits and demerits of both the algorithms the authors had proposed a hybrid approach called FAK. The FAK algorithm has two phases in the first phase fuzzy ART is used as an initial seed generator to generate the clusters. From the identified clusters we will remove the cluster whose centroids were nearer to others t hereby addressing the category proliferation problem. The first phase will be followed by applying the k-means algorithm in the second phase to get the final clusters. They found that the FAK algorithm performs much better than the other methods. The most important to be considering during the clustering is the number of user sessions that should be taken into account for clustering. In most cases the designers will decide it is enough to consider the first N sessions of a user for the decent recovery of his web cluster. Also they will decide whether to consider or not the sessions with the short session lengths because those sessions may not be helpful in identifying the clusters. So the two main factors we have to consider while performing the clustering is the number of user sessions to be considered and the minimum session length. Combining the web content mining and web usage mining An experiment was conducted in order to extract the navigational pattern of the websites user [6]. The experiment aims at predicting the users gender and whether they are interested in certain website sections. The results of the experiment were analyzed and it is found that the model was only 56% accurate. The reason for low accuracy is found to be the failure to include the web content in the classification model. It is believed that exploring the content of the page will helps in better understanding of the user profile thereby the classification accuracy will be improved. The web usage mining and web content mining can be combined together and it is used in the area of web personalization. In the web personalization the contents of the web page will differ for each user according to their navigational pattern. In this technique the web links that the user may visit in the near future will be predicted based on their profile. Those predicted links will be dynamically displayed in the webpage that the user requested. Also web links of the frequently visited pages will be highlighted at the same time pages which were not visited for a long time will be removed. This hybrid approach is implemented by doing an initial clustering based on the contents of the web pages followed by the Web Access Sequence alignment. Text clustering can be done effectively by spherical k-means algorithm [10]. Since the multiple sequence alignment consumes more time and space it can be effectively replaced by the iterative progressive alignment. Weighted suffix tree is used to find the most frequent and important navigational pattern with little memory and computational costs. It has been proved that the content exploitation has improved the performance by 2-3%. In the model proposed by Liu [7] the contents of the web pages and the information from the web server log files is used together in order to extract the meaningful patterns. The extracted contents of the web page represented by means of character N-grams. The users of the web site can be classified by two approaches namely proactive and reactive approach. The proactive approach tries to map each request to a user before or during the users interaction with the site. While the reactive approach maps each request to a user after the user completes the interaction with the site. In order to use the proactive approach the browser cookies needs to be enabled and it is necessary that the user must be aware of cookies. So it is always easy to use reactive approach which does not require the user to have any prior knowledge. An experiment has been conducted with 1500 sample sessions to evaluate the proposed method. The results show that the system is 70% accurate in classification and 65% i n prediction. The success of the website also depends on the user perceived latency of documents hosted in web server. It is obvious that short User Perceived Latency will have a positive effect towards the user satisfaction. This has been also proved by a study conducted by Zona Research Inc. in 1999. The study shows that if a web site takes more than eight seconds to download then a 30% of the visitors is more likely to leave the site [35]. User perceived latency is influenced by many factors like fast internet connection, increasing the bandwidth of ISP, etc One way to reduce the UPL is by using the browser cache. In this approach frequently accessed will be pre-fetched and stored in browser cache. Generally Web cache is implemented by using the proxy server. All the requests from the user to a web server will be interpreted by the proxy servers. If the proxy server has a valid copy of the response then it will give the results to the users. Otherwise the requested will be forwarded to the original server. The real server will send the response to the proxy server. The proxy server will retain a copy of the response in the cache and then send the results to the users. The main Problem with the web cache is if the cache is not up to date then the users will be provided with stale data. Also if a large amount of users access a web server simultaneously then it may results in severe caching problems which may results in the unavailability of the web pages. To overcome all these issues author suggested an approach which combines the web prefetching and caching together. In this approach we have to first identify the objects that needs to be pre-fetched in a web cache environment fr om the information available in the log files. After identifying the objects we have to group these objects into clusters for each client group. When a user requests for an object first he will be assigned to one of the client group then the proxy server will fetches all the cluster objects of that particular client group. Finally the requested object will be delivered to the user. To have a minimal UPL we have to predict the users preferences based on the pages he had already visited. The importance of the page is determined by the weights assigned to the page by the algorithm. If two or more pages have the same weight then we rely on the page rank. Page Rank [22] is A probability distribution used to represent the likelihood that a person randomly clicking on links will arrive at any particular page. Page rank can be assigned to the document of all sizes. If a document is having a page rank of 0.5 then it means that if a user clicks on a link randomly then there is 50% probability for the link to land on the particular document. Consider a web site consisting of four pages P1, P2, P3, and P4. Initially the page rank of all the pages will be same. Since there are four pages each page will be assigned with a page rank of 0.25. If all the pages P2, P3 and P4 posses link to only P1 then each of the three pages will contribute 0.25 page rank to P1. The page rank of P1 can be calculated by using the following formula. PR (u1) = PR (u2) + PR (u3) + PR (u4) If suppose page P2 is having another one link to page P3 and if P4 is having links to all the three pages then the link-vote value will be divided among all the outbound links of a page. So Page P2 will contribute 0.125 to page P1 and 0.125 to page P3. Similarly P4 will contribute one third of its page rank value to P1. The general formula for calculating the page rank value for any page is as follows. PR (u) =à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ PR (v) Bp is the set of all pages linking to page P L (v) is number of links from page v Web Page recommendation is an important section in web personalization. Weighted Association rule mining is used to predict the page recommendations. In this method we assign a weight to each web page. The importance of the page is determined by the weight assigned to the page. In this approach the weight for each page is assigned based on the frequency in which the page is visited by the user and the time spent by the user on a particular page. The frequency weight of a page FW is calculated using the following formula FW (p) =Number of visits on a page (P) Total number of visits on all pages X PR (P) Where PR is the page rank of p. Time spent on each page reflects the relative importance of each page for a user. Bcause the user will spend more time on the page he is interested in and he will quickly traverse the other unwanted pages. The two factors that we have to consider while calculating the actual time spent on a page is as follows. The size of the web page and the transfer rate, the assumption is that the transfer rate is constant for a user then the time spent on a page will be inversely proportional to the amount of useful information available to the user from that page. The weight of a page can be calculated using the following formula TW (P) =Time spent on a page (p)/page size of (p) Max pÆ P Time spent on a page (p)/page size of (p) Based on these two values the total page weight is calculated as follows W (p) =FW (p) +TW (p) According to the page rank algorithm, the link to important page will appear as an outbound link in many pages. Web prefetching reduces the latency. In prefetching the networks idle time is utilized to fetch the anticipated web pages. In [7] Chen et al. proved that the cache hit ratio had enhanced to 30-75% through pre-fetching. Also the access latency can be reduced by 60% when we combine the caching and pre-fetching techniques [8]. Pre-fetching takes place only if the network bandwidth is less than the predetermined threshold also only the web pages that are not available in the cache will be pre-fetched. Pre-fetching increases the network traffic but at the same time it helps in reducing the latency. Several approaches were available for web pre-fetching like Top-10 approach, Domain-top approach, etc In top-10 approach web proxies will be periodically updated by the web servers regarding the most popular document information. The proxies will then send this update information to the clients [9]. In domain-top approach the web proxies will first search for the popular domains and then it looks for the important documents in each domain. A suggestion list will be prepared for the user with the knowledge of the proxy server about the popularity of domains and documents and this list will be used for users future requests. In this dynamic web pre-fetching technique user preference list will be maintained for each user which will contain the list of web sites which will be available for immediate access to the user. This user preference list will be stored in the database of the proxy server. Dynamic web pre-fetching technique uses the intelligent agents to monitor the network traffic. When ever the network traffic is low then the system increase the pre-fetching similarly in a heavy traffic it will reduce the pre-fetching thereby helps in utilizing the idle time of the network also maintains the traffic constant. The number of web links to be pre-fetched depends on the usage of bandwidth and weights of the web pages. While assigning the weights to the web pages preferences will be given to the links which are accessed frequently and recently. By using this technique the cache hit ratio has been increased by 40-75% and latency is reduced to 20-63%. The log file modeling is the important task in web usage mining. If we use an accurate model for modeling the web log file then the accuracy of web page prediction scheme will also increase. The most commonly used model is Markov model. In markov model each page represents the state and the visited sequence of a pair of page represents the transition between two pages. The accuracy of the traditional first order markov model is less because of the lack of in-depth analysis. In contrast the second order markov model is more accurate but the time complexity of the model is high. In [11] they had proposed a hybrid approach called dynamic nested markov model in which the second order markov model is nested with in the first order markov model. In the dynamic markov model the insertion and removal of nodes is much easier. The node will contain all the information about the web pages like the web page name, inlink list which is a list that contains the name of the previous web page, count of the web page which will represents the number of times the current web page is reached from the previous web page and the outlink list contains the list of nodes which contains the name of the next web page and its count. In this model the number of nodes will be always same as the number of web pages. Since we have replaced the transition matrix structure in the traditional markov model with the dynamic linked list the time complexity of the proposed model is less than the traditional model. Also the model covers The experiment conducted with the web site that serves 1200 users and receives a minimum of 10,000 requests per day. The experimental data is split into three sets DS1 which contains 3000 pages, DS2 with 1000 pages and DS3 with 1500 pages. It has been shown that DS1 has taken 537 ms and DS2 has taken 62 ms and DS3 has taken 171 ms. So it is evident that time taken for DNMM generation is directly proportional to the number of web pages and the size of the log file. The latency can also be reduced by client side pre-fetching. A prefetching model proposed by Jaing [3] is based on the users search pattern and the access rate of all the links in a web page. Each link will have a counter which will be incremented whenever it is clicked by a user. The access rate is the ratio of the links counter value to the counter value of that particular page. The pre-fetcher will fetch the web pages whose access rate is high. The main advantage of this model is that this model can be executed independently in clients machine. But the disadvantage of this model is that it will increase the processing overhead of the clients computer. Initially the web pages will contain one HTML document it may include some images. But in recent days several HTML documents were embedded in to a single web page. In such cases the browser displays the embedded documents along with the requested documents. These embedded documents decrease the prediction accuracy of the system. Also if the user requests a page by typing the URL in the browser navigation bar then these requested will not be taken in to account by any link analysis method. To overcome these drawbacks kim has proposed a prefetching algorithm. In this algorithm the request patterns were represented by means of a link graph. The nodes of the graph represent the unique URL of the HTML documents and the edges represent the hyperlink or an embedded link and it is directed from the referring document to the referred document. When a user requests a webpage then the access counter value of the node corresponding to that particular web page or document will be incremented by o ne. Also when a user traverses from one page to another page then the access counter value of the corresponding edge will be incremented by one. It has been assumed that the user is browsing a page that is displayed on the browser if the user does not make another request within a minimum interval of time. By this time the prefetching module will be executed and the prefetched documents will be stored in the cache. Agarwal, R. (2010). An Architectural Framework for Web Information Retrieval based on Users Navigational Pattern. Time, 195-200. Dimopoulos, C., Makris, C., Panagis, Y., Theodoridis, E., Tsakalidis, A. (2010). A web page usage prediction scheme using sequence indexing and clustering techniques. Data Knowledge Engineering, 69(4), 371-382. Elsevier B.V. doi: 10.1016/j.datak.2009.04.010. Georgakis, a, Li, H. (2006). User behavior modeling and content based speculative web page prefetching. Data Knowledge Engineering, 59(3), 770-788. doi: 10.1016/j.datak.2005.11.005. Jalali, M., Mustapha, N., Mamat, A., Sulaiman, N. B. (2008). A new classification model for online predicting users future movements. Architecture, 0-6. Kim, Y., Kim, J. (2003). Web Prefetching Using Display-Based Prediction. Science And Technology, 0-3. Liu, H., Keselj, V. (2007). Combined mining of Web server logs and web contents for classifying user navigation patterns and predicting users future requests. Data Knowledge Engineering, 61(2), 304-330. doi: 10.1016/j.datak.2006.06.001. Nair, A. S. (2007). Dynamic Web Pre-fetching Technique for Latency Reduction. Science, 202-206. doi: 10.1109/ICCIMA.2007.303. Nigam, B., Jain, S. (2010). Generating a New Model for Predicting the Next Accessed Web Page in Web Usage Mining. 2010 3rd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology, 485-490. Ieee. doi: 10.1109/ICETET.2010.56. Pallis, G., Vakali, a, Pokorny, J. (2008). A clustering-based prefetching scheme on a Web cache environment. Computers Electrical Engineering, 34(4), 309-323. doi: 10.1016/j.compeleceng.2007.04.002. Park, S., Suresh, N., Jeong, B. (2008). Sequence-based clustering for Web usage mining: A new experimental framework and ANN-enhanced K-means algorithm. Data Knowledge Engineering, 65(3), 512-543. doi: 10.1016/j.datak.2008.01.002. S. Chakrabarti, M. van der Berg, B. Dom, Focused crawling: a new approach to topic-specific web resource discovery, in: Proceedings of 8th Int. WorldWide Web Conf. (WWW8), 1999. A. Gulli, A. Signorini, The indexable web is more than 11.5 billion pages, in: Special interest Tracks and Posters of the 14th International Conference onWorld Wide Web, Chiba, Japan, 2005. A. Banerjee, J. Ghosh, Clickstream clustering using weighted longest common subsequences, in: Proc. of the Web Mining Workshop at the 1st SIAM Conference on Data Mining, 2001 I. Cadez, D. Heckerman, C. Meek, P. Smyth, S. White, Visualization of navigation patterns on a Web site using model-based clustering, in: Proceedings of the Sixth ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD-2001), Boston, MA, 2000, pp. 280-284. Y. Fu, K. Sandhu, M.-Y. Shih, A generalization-based approach to clustering of Web usage sessions, in: B. Masand, M. Spiliopoulou (Eds.), Web Usage Analysis and User Profiling: International WEBKDD99 Workshop, San Diego, CA, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1836, Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2000, pp. 21-38.

Human Equality as an Impossible Ideal in Animal Farm :: Animal Farm Essays

How do the events in Animal Farm show human equality to be an impossible ideal, not a practical reality? One of the main themes of the book is the effect of power on leaders and how it leads to corruption, propaganda and most of all inequality, and in this book, inequality is shown through out and there are many different examples of it. The main event in the beginning of the book is old major’s speech, where he starts it by mentioning how unequal human are to the animals and how they don’t do any work as they are the leaders of all creatures. He implied that the other animals should get rid of man so that his dream can be fulfilled and create a society where all animals are created equal. Just as Old major dies, the pigs create â€Å"Animalism† and the seven commandments under the intention of equality, even as they have just automatically chose themselves as leaders of the revolution and the other animals. The rebellion wasn’t really led by the pigs; it occurred when the animals got mad after a long day without food, the pigs unequally became leaders without actually taking a huge part in it. After Mr. Jones is kicked out and the animals’ hope of an equal society rose, they started working hard while the pigs didn’t do any work under the excuse of the need of supervision. Another example of the inequality of the pigs is after the apple harvest where they took it for themselves claiming that they need fuel while the other animals are the ones who need it as they work harder. During the successful defensive fight against Mr. Jones, all the animals fight equally, Snowball and boxer did an excellent job, except napoleon who didn’t turn up for the fight. Napoleon is becoming increasingly corrupt and unjust. After the effective speech by snowball which made snowball more popular and was going to divert the votes to him, Napoleon â€Å"uttered a high-pitched whimper† and the dogs chased snowball of the farm, which confirmed the untrustworthiness of napoleon. And subsequently the inequality began to increase at a more severe rate. The animals gradually become like slaves doing napoleon’s plans and doing whatever he likes, moreover they are forced to work on Sundays but Napoleon rests like he does all over the week. Yet he starts trading and starts progressively breaking the commandments. What is more, he horrifies the hens after their refusal of giving the pigs their eggs for money by cutting the food supply on them and starving them until 9 of them died, so that they agree on giving the

Monday, August 19, 2019

Arts Education Essays :: Education

1. Describe how recent advancements in technology (since 1975 or so) have changed the arts and arts education. Answer: Since 1975 or so there has been many changes in technology that have affected arts education. Advancements in technology such as the internet, computers, and more art education programs have played a major effect. Before this era students could not really get the full picture of visual arts unless the instructor has the actual prints. The students did learn about colors, elements, and the ideas of art, but not students are not only learning about these things, but they can actually see these important elements. This came about primarily due to the internet. Students now can log on the internet and find pictures made by any artists. Also, since this era art has become very important in the concept of learning. I believe that people now realize that art education isn't just for fun, but it's a way that students can think beyond the books and explore the world through art. Computers have played a major role in this development of art. It's very important because students can l earn the different eras of art such as the neoclassical era and romanticism. I know that when I think of art I just think of drawing and painting, but now I believe that art can relate to almost anything. Everything in life is art and with the advancements of technology students can see that this is true. Art history is very important because we can see how the advancements of art have changed over time. For example in music there used to be barely any instruments and composers would make art through voice and now since we have advance so much in technology music today is very complex, usually filled with many instruments and heavy sound. Art education and the arts itself have changed dramatically throughout the years due to the advancements in technology. 2. Describe (A) the stylistic trends and innovations and (B) the characteristics of the art works from one historical period of your choice. During the contemporary period many new stylistic trends and innovations came about. This era was the post war era and occurred after the holocausts of World War II as well as the Nazi death camps where the first use of atomic weapons were put to use.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Immoral Materialism :: essays research papers

Immoral Materialism   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The desire to be rich is part of every American’s dream, but does one change when one becomes rich? Can one be happy and wealthy? Just as the characters in the novel The Great Gatsby, written by Scott Fitzgerald, people believe that money will buy them a happy life. In the almanacks of Poor Richard, quite a different approach at happiness is presented. Poor Richard writes about money as just a supplement to a wise man, that being knowledgeable and having a trade are far more respectable that inheriting money from a relative. Contrary to Poor Richard’s works, the prevalent aspirations of modern Americans are better represented in Fiztgerald’s work The Great Gastby, which shows the ignorance of the rich, the adulterous morality of people, and the correct way to pursue happiness.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Today’s society believes that money can buy happiness. Jordan, a character of The Great Gastby, explains this theme when she says, “Gastby bought that house so that Daisy would be just across the bay'; (79). Gatsby Himself later states “She only married you because I was poor…It was a terrible mistake.'; (131). These quotes explain Gastby’s belief, that if he becomes rich, he will be able to obtain love from Daisy. This is quite contrary to the ideas of Ben Franklin represented in this quote “Content makes poor men rich; Discontent makes rich men poor';, this quote explains that life itself is the reward, not the things that money can bring to it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many wealthy people assume that it is their right to have others listen to and follow their own wishes, or thoughts. The character, Tom Buchanan is the model superficial rich person. Who attempts to force his poorly thought-out, stolen theories to all those around him. This is shown in the indication of his tone when he states “ ‘Civilization’s is going to pieces,’ broke out Tom violently'; (13). Tom’s use of non-formal English, such as “I’ve gotten to be a terrible pessimist about things'; (13) cause him to stand out from his wife and the other Characters. This view of superiority by white males that have inherited wealth is not uncommon today. Contradicting the stated opinion, Franklin feels that a man that gains his wealth deserves more respect that one who inherited it though family ties when he writes “A Ploughman on his Legs is higher than a Gentleman on his Knees.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Culture And Society Essay

Languages are sources out from the historical background of each country. The stresses and the tenses of each language actually differ from each other primarily because of the fact that different nationalities around the world have different perceptions with regards life and living. It could be observed that such linguistic assessments had been based upon their realization of how life’s elements should be perceived. Taking the sound of the nature and the environment in use through language had been the main feature of such languages as they are profoundly used around the world. 2. Using the concepts of ethnocentrism and cultural relativism, discuss the impact that a bilingual education might have on understanding other cultures. Having a bilingual education opens an individual to understanding how other nations actually understand nature and how much they give importance to the elements making it up. Likely, the process is more complex than actually expected. With one’s ability of identifying one language from the other, he is also able to identify one culture from another as he tries to evaluate the different elements of language that each culture recognizes through speech. Through this, the person having a bilingual capability shall have a better mirror of the world through spoken tongue. 3. How might ethnocentrism, xenocentrism and temporocentrism affect people’s attitudes toward bilingual education programs? It depends on one’s view of cultural connection in the world that the possibility of learning another language lays. Likely, the idea is to help a person understand different cultures through the existence of different languages. Most often than not, one’s disposition about the said idea of cultural connection actually increases or decreases the capability of one to accept learning other languages from other nationalities, moreover, such disposition would give them either a better or dimmer chance of accepting other nationalities as part of the one whole wide world community of humans trying to cope up with the changes of the world. 4. Describe what is meant by value conflict. Give examples. How are such conflicts resolved? Value conflict usually occurs when a person’s ideas of something or someone does not connect with that of the others. Likely, in terms of language, such situation occurs when one does not understand a language based on the perception of others. If one foreigner does not understand the way English should be understood, comprehension of the conversation becomes impossible. 5. Discuss ways in which existing student norms may not be beneficial or may even be harmful to themselves. Student norms may not be beneficial to students themselves when the said norms actually disregard the cultural values of each individual. As noted earlier, the recognition of such social and personal element in satisfaction is a certain factor that needs to be given attention through careful understanding of the matter. Most likely, such values are related to the cultural perceptions of each student towards their regular activities in school. ** step 2 ** A. List and discuss at least one idea from this chapter 4 such as: Technology and Material Culture (meaning what can we in our social world understand from this) Technology is one particular element in the current human culture that connects every nationality together in the present system of things. The material culture that it opens up to the current human generation actually increases the capability of the people to relate to each other even beyond understanding the cultures and values of each nationality through the existence of language. Likely, the idea is that technology becomes an undeniably fine link between people around the world today especially because of the advancement that it implies on every group of people regardless of their culture and values as members of the human society. ** step 3 ** B. Explain an important concept from chapter 4 and explain why it is significant? ( meaning why are the elements of culture significant) Elements of culture are significant in explaining the differences of people in the different areas of the world. Understandably, such elements make a certain implication on how and who a certain group of people are depending on their perceptions of life, their language and their historical background as well. Likely, such elements of culture are used to identify people regarding their lifestyle and how they are actually able to contribute to the development of the society at present.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Criminal Justice Theories Essay

A brilliant philosopher once remarked that man is by nature good. Evil, according to him is the result of ignorance or the lack of knowledge. When crime is committed it is because of the limitation and imperfection of his present knowledge. Though it may be true that no man is morally corrupt by nature, Socrates’ explanation of the presence of crime and evil in our society does not suffice to answer the question why people offend and commit crime. Why is it that even the highest ranking CEOs of multinational companies manage to steal money from their investors and stockholders? It does not explain why even educated people become criminal offenders and violators of the law. This could only mean that there is more to crime than just the goodness or badness of the individual. It is because of this reason that Sociologists have turned to other causes or factors that may influence human behavior into committing crimes. This has resulted in several theories attempting to explain crime and deviance. These theories are Social Control Theory and Labeling Theory which will be discussed in this essay. Social Control Theory proceeds from the assumption that man is by nature delinquent and is capable of committing crimes. Instinct drives human behavior to commit crime. Travis Hirschi, the proponent of Social Control Theory, asserts that despite man’s inclinations to commit crime, it can be controlled and his behavior can be regulated so as to make man conform to certain social rules or laws. He says that this could be done by strengthening man’s social bonds with the people around him. These social bonds include attachment, commitment, involvement and belief. The stronger these social bonds are, the more committed a person is to conventional activities and the greater his attachments to his parents and friends, the less likely it is that he will engage in delinquent behavior. Conversely, once this social bond is weakened then it is likely that individuals will engaged in delinquent behavior. (Reginald J. Alston, 1995, p. 3) Thus, according to E. A. Ross the most effective means for controlling and regulating behavior is not the enactment of laws and the threats of punishment but the belief and value systems that helps man obey with the rules. Labeling Theory Labeling Theory did not give much attention to crimes but to the labels that people attach to certain individuals or to certain acts. For example all people have at one time violated rules. But not all persons are labeled as criminals. Only those people who are actually caught or whose deviant acts are disclosed to the public that are considered criminals. A person who is labeled as a criminal begins to think of himself as a criminal and begins to associate with other deviants thus reinforcing the stigma that society attaches to deviants. According to the results of a study conducted by Mike S. Adams (2003) perceived negative labels were related to increased involvement in self-reported delinquent behavior. The study also showed that teachers and peer groups are important sources of negative labels which can lead to the adoption of a deviant self-concept. (p. 4) Labeling Theory states that the labels we apply to certain individuals have a significant influence his behavior. It is natural to classify or categorize things the problem with this is that the people do not realize the negative unintended effects of these labels. There are times when this labeling could scare a person and help him or her conform to the norms of the society. But most of the time labeling has the effect of pushing the person farther away from the society. The effect of this is that the person loses interest in conforming to the laws. He then places himself in the shoes, so to speak, of the label that society has imposed and he acts in such a way that is consistent with his label. Comparison and Contrast The first point of comparison between these two theories is that they both acknowledge the society’s influence on human behavior. In the case of Social Control Theory, socialization and interaction with other members of the society helps in regulating human behavior so as to make man conform to and obey social rules. It reduces man’s propensity to engage in deviant behavior. On the other hand, Labeling Theory affirms the society’s influence on the way a person sees himself and the way he thinks and behaves. Negative perception of the society leads to negative behavior on his part. The second point of comparison is that both these theories see the individual as the result of his interaction with the community. In the case of Social Control Theory, man is defined by his relationships with other, his commitments, values, norms and beliefs. If he has a strong bond with the society it is likely that he will conform to existing rules or laws but if this bond is weak then he becomes more vulnerable to committing deviances and crimes. On the other hand, in Labeling Theory, the individual’s construction of self-identity is seen as a result of his interaction with the members of his community and the way others perceive him. (Craig Calhoun p. 1) If he is judged and labeled by the society as a criminal then it is likely that he will think of himself as a criminal and act like one. . These two theories can be distinguished in the sense that Social Control Theory focuses on the reason why some people adhere and conform to existing rules. It is not actually a theory that explains why people commit crime but it explains the reasons why some people obey the laws. (Paul Delfabbro, 2004, p. 4) On the other hand, Labeling Theory focuses on why people commit crimes. It does not explain why some people obey laws but it does explain why some of us commit crimes. Another distinction is that Labeling Theory is a political rather than a sociological attempt to explain deviant behavior since political relations within the society have so much to do with the giving of labels. It does not deal with the morality of human action but rather it deals with the effects of the attitudes and perceptions of people and defines criminals not as evil persons who engage in wrong acts but as individuals who had a criminal status placed upon them by both the criminal justice system and the community at large. (â€Å"Overview of Labeling Theories†) Conclusion The theory which best explains the reason why people engage in delinquent behavior is the Social Control Theory. Not only that it explains why crime does happen in the society but it also provides for the solution to this problem. This theory supports the proposition that a punitive model of our justice system is not an effective solution to crime. Due attention must be given to alternative forms of response to crime such as giving more focus on rehabilitation and social integration. It would be better if the state instead of allocating millions of dollars for our penal system to allocate some of this money to educating parents and strengthening of communities by means of various sports and recreational program for the youth.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Evaluate strategies used in health Essay

Effects of alcohol/drugs with rehab/AA To overcome the effects of alcohol/drugs barrier to communication, there are many types of organisations available. For example, rehab is a place where individual’s will slowly learn to give up drugs and adapt to clean blood in their body. There are classes such as AA classes which help individual’s clean alcohol from their system. Alcohol and drugs can sometimes affect how an individual speaks; therefore, they might need to stop drinking and smoking to make sure they are able to do so. Going to rehab and AA classes will help individuals very well. Rehab for alcoholics and drug addicts is very helpful as it clears the individual’s system of alcohol and drugs and gets them back on track with their lives. If in individual does follow the rehabilitation programme then he/she will see that their life has more financial benefits, family life becomes better and they start seeing a difference within themselves mentally and physically. Rehab is a good strategy to help with overcoming communication issues. If an individual is beginning to notice a change with his/hers communication while drinking, then they will have to enter rehabilitation and clear themselves of the addiction. To improve I would say that sometimes individuals need more moral support, throughout their rehabilitation. Therefore I would suggest the centres allow the addicts to talk to others with the same addiction for better moral support. Language needs/preferences strategy Sometimes language can be a big barrier if an individual is by themselves in certain situations. There are many different types of methods which can be used to overcome the language barrier. Individuals can use a special dictionary which translates the word they need to say from the mother tongue to their new language. There are also recordings available for listening to use when the individual does not clearly understand the new language. Translators are also available to help those who have language as a communication barrier. The language needs/preferences strategy is also good  as it helps those who are willing/wanting to learn a new language with many resources. There are tools and other things available to help overcome the barrier of not knowing a particular language that is needed to be known. I would say that some individuals find it hard to look for specific words in dictionaries and will not understand which word is linked to which meaning. This needs to be improved, so individuals do not get overwhelmed or frustrated. Assertiveness to overcome anger Assertiveness is a type of skill which can be used by those individuals who find that anger is a big barrier to communicating effectively. When people begin to feel stressed, depressed or annoyed, they will tend to let their emotions out immediately. These can involve anger. Anger is a big barrier to communication as it can lead to relationships breaking. To control this some people develop the skill of assertion. This involves controlling the emotions which break relationships and start arguments. It involves a clear mental attitude, wherein the individual will try to discuss the situation and deal with it. Assertion is a very sensible skill to develop if you work in the health and social care sector. It will definitely help deal with any issues that arise from service users or peers. In order to over-come the barrier of anger, developing assertiveness will certainly help. Being assertive will definitely help as it will decrease the amount of anger that an individual will have as a barrier to communication. It is a good skill to adapt to as it will benefit individuals for the future. For some individuals being assertive is a good aspect to maintain, however for an overly aggressive person it will be hard for them to grasp the concept of being assertive. For this reason to improve this strategy I would say to go through a slow pace when beginning to become assertive. Defusing aggression and staying confident Stress occurs a lot in the health and social care sector. Stress can lead to many other types of symptoms and illnesses, such as aggression or a mixture of emotions. Aggression can sometimes come from frustration, with the service provided or any other cause. Individuals must learn to overcome their aggression. Developing a calmer attitude towards any frustrations will  help overcome any type of anger. Aggression might threaten care workers; however it can also cause a withdrawal attitude from the service user towards the care worker. Defusing aggression and staying confident is yet another good strategy as it presents an individual of being very impressive and striking. Defusing anger and showing confidence is a very professional aspect to maintain as it helps in all areas of health and social care work. For example if an individual is being told off for doing something wrong, defusing ones anger and staying confident will get them out of trouble and keep them positive. Defusing anger is not always the best thing to do for some people as it could lead to stress/depression, therefore an improvement could be to sort out any confusion/anger issues before carrying on with any work, ect. Interpreters, translators and signers An interpreter is a person who communicates meaning from one language to another. This includes interpreting between spoken and sign language, such as English and BSL. When an interpreter works with people they immediately become a part of a communication cycle with that person. Translators are individuals who change a recorded material from one language to another. Translating involves communicating between different languages. Interpreters and translators have to grasp the meaning of a message and find a way of expressing it in a different type of language system. This is not very simple even for the professional and best translators. Interpreters can be professional people or even a friend or family member who can translate the sentence/ phrase said into another language. These people are able to explain messages in different circumstances. This is a very good strategy as it benefits others as well as the individual who is translating. Translating is very helpful for those who cannot speak a certain language. In today’s society many individuals use translators to assist them in important activities/meetings. It is a good strategy to use to overcome barriers to communication. It could be improved a lot. For example some translators do not always know the several meanings which come with certain words. Some translators need to be certified just to ensure the individual needing help that, they are really translators and they know how to professionally translate majority of words. Hearing aids Hearing aids are electronic devices with very small microphones that pick up and increase the volume of sound received by a person. Hearing aids will often make sounds in the background much louder and clearer to hear. Due to this wearing a hearing aid will not be that helpful as you might not be able to hear anything else a part from the background noise. Hearing aids are very helpful to those unfortunate individuals who are not able to clearly/not at all hear any noises or sounds. Hearing aids amplify the sounds for individuals, which need to be heard the most. However some hearing aids do not always work to their best of ability. For this reason, the sounds/ noises which need to be heard the most importantly cannot be heard due to technical issues which come with the hearing aid itself. Voice activated software Voice activated software is a simple type of software which simply uses an individual’s voice to activate or perform a task or instruction given to a computer. This software comes in many different types such as the speech recognition software which allows individuals to say their message and then it be typed out on their computer/phone. Voice activated software is also a good software as it helps individuals who are not able to physically type or have disabilities speak for them. Voice activated software is really good as it very much benefits individuals who are less able to perform the simplest tasks, such as typing. To improve some of the softwares cannot always pick up the voices as clearly, therefore the software should be able to pick up voices clearly without any vocal strain. For example speaking louder.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019


A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of nation, long suppressed, finds utterance† -?Charlatan Nehru â€Å"India is the cradle Of human race, the birthplace Of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grandmother of tradition. Our most valuable and most constructive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only† -Mark Twain Search where ever you may, you will not find a land as beautiful as this, she is the queen of all the lands.This land of my birth is my motherland – INDIA. Responsibility is the price of freedom-Charlatan Nehru May we think of freedom as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right. –Barack Obama Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves. -? â€Å"Abraham Lincoln† â€Å"To call woman the weaker sex is a libel; it is man's injustice to woma n. If by strength is meant brute strength, then, indeed, is woman less brute than man.If by strength is meant moral power, then woman is immeasurably man's superior. Has she not greater intuition, is she not more self-sacrificing, has she not greater powers of endurance, has she not greater courage? Without her, man could not be. If nonviolence is the law of our being, the future is with woman. Who can make a more effective appeal to the heart than woman? † -? Mahatma Gandhi â€Å"Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we're opened, we're red. Clive Barker â€Å"A state that does not educate and train women is like a man who only trains his right arm. † -?Jostles Guarder â€Å"When men are oppressed, it's a tragedy. When women are oppressed, it's tradition. † -Agnes Michael â€Å"A women is like a tea-bag, you never know how Strong it is, until its in hot water. † -Oscar Wiled â€Å"We cannot all succeed when all of us are held back† -Mall Yugoslav ia We realize the importance of our voice when we are silenced- Mall YugoslaviaEducation is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world- Nelson Mandela A child without education is like a bird without wings-?Tibetan Proverb He who opens a school door closes a prison -Victor Hugo The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet -Aristotle So many people spend their health gaining wealth, and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health Laughter sparkles like a splash of water in sunlight Laughter is the sun that drives winter from human face – Victor Hugo aught is a tranquilizer with no side effects Laughter is the tonic, the relief, the surcease for pain.